
This page contains examples on how to integrate pytest-vcr-delete-on-fail with other tools that utilize cassettes, leveraging its flexible decorator.

It’s also a way for me to quickly access implementation that I often reuse.


A simple tool to encrypt vcrpy cassettes so they can be safely kept under version control.

import pytest
import requests
from vcrpy_encrypt import BaseEncryptedPersister
from pytest_vcr_delete_on_fail import get_default_cassette_path

# Configure vcrpy_encrypt
class MyEncryptedPersister(BaseEncryptedPersister):
    encryption_key: bytes = b"sixteensecretkey"
    should_output_clear_text_as_well = True
    clear_text_suffix = ".custom_clear"
    encoded_suffix = ".custom_enc"

def pytest_recording_configure(config, vcr):

# Configure pytest_recording
def vcr_config():
    return {"record_mode": ["once"]}

# Define two helper functions that will take the default path and append vcrpy_encrypt suffixes
def get_encrypted_cassette(item) -> str:
    default = get_default_cassette_path(item)
    return f"{default}{MyEncryptedPersister.encoded_suffix}"

def get_clear_text_cassette(item) -> str:
    default = get_default_cassette_path(item)
    return f"{default}{MyEncryptedPersister.clear_text_suffix}"

# Define a shorthand for the vcr_delete_on_fail marker
vcr_delete_on_fail = pytest.mark.vcr_delete_on_fail(

def test_this():
    assert False